I’ve started with entrepreneurship when I was a student at the faculty of Engineering, Cairo University. I Co-found a student activity named Steps Towards Progress (STP), which aims to helps faculty students develop their skills and accordingly, have better opportunities in their lives.


Out of my experience with STP, I was eager to get involved with similar activities creating opportunities for myself and others, that drove me to start 2 other student organizations and participating in lots of other activities and events that serves the same objectives.

Needing to be part of the development of my community, I found that entrepreneurship is the best mean to be participate, as it helps in creating more employment opportunities, attracts more investments and promote a culture of self-learning and self-reliance. These 3 points are some of the most important challenges facing Egypt right now.

I currently work as a Product Manager at a startup named BasharSoft that develop new technologies in online recruitment, and at the same time working on my startups: FilMall a mobile application that helps people navigate indoors and Bayanat for infographics.

I joined Egypreneur as it’s a perfect opportunity for me to do what I love, my role as a Fundraising Officer is to allocate sponsorships for all Egypreneur activities and projects while making sure Egypreneur is financially sustainable on the long term.

I’m very much looking forward to making a big difference and participate in developing my community through Egypreneur.

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