Networking Events | Monthly | Various networking events at different scales |
Peer Support | Frequently | Find who from within the network might be able to help, schedule and meet at Egypreneur Club |
Coaching Sessions | Monthly | Come with challenges, leave with a plan, club manager schedule a coaching session and invite senior members and advisers |
Business Circles | Monthly | Discussing specific industries, sectors or common topic following the Art of Hosting Principles |
Mentor Salon | Bi-Monthly | Hosting an established entrepreneur for a one-on-one interview with club members |
Book Clubs | Bi-Monthly | Choosing a business book to read each month and sharing the findings and extracting lessons to be shared with the network |
ToastMasters Meetings | Bi-monthly | Starting Official ToastMasters Clubs across Egypreneur Club, practising and advancing your public speaking skills |
Egypt Solutions | Monthly | Crowdsourcing and sharing solutions and potential projects for Egypt’s most pressing problems, Za7ma, Electricity .etc |
Sports & Entertainment | Monthly | Some of the best trainers and training programs in town are available to help you lose weight or kick start your Parkour or ChessBoxing career |