In an energetic celebration took place Friday 14th of October at Al-Azhar Park, Egypreneur Crew gathered to celebrate their previous work together and get energized for the future, the gathering marked a new stage for the Crew as they start their public activities.

Egypreneur is a community of grassroots entrepreneurs, building that community is the greatest asset for all Egypreneur upcoming work. The Crew celebrated the beginning of an organized model to build Egypreneur community, a signup page is now with our community team members across the country as they organize casual gatherings and guerilla activities to invite people to become Egypreneur(s) and expand the community of entrepreneurs all around Egypt.

The signup page, which will be used for our social network afterwards is going to be available in the upcoming events that’s open to promote entrepreneurship to its audiences, our community team will be identifying these events and activities and invite participants to signup!

By 5PM Egypreneur friends who signed up to attend the celebration joined in, after a very interested round introduction during which they spoke about (Google Ebda2, ArabNet Conference, Education vs. Career, Public Speaking and energetically shared the positive energy towards building the New Egypt) while signing up for Egypreneur.

After the introduction and break, attendees split in 2 focus groups and a networking area.

First focus group for entrepreneurs support, identifying what entrepreneurs in Egypt need and how Egypreneur can help them was lead by Ahmed AbdelFatah our PR Executive and contained very interesting discussions and suggestions. Egypreneur CEO, Abdelrahman Magdy asked the focus group members for their views about the financial model they think would be best for sustaining Egypreneur and a lot of interesting suggestions had been shared.

The second focus group was about Za7ma the Cairo Traffic problem in Cairo, led by Sherif Ahmed the Za7ma project manager, the focus group included entrepreneurs already running ICT projects to help solving Za7ma and students working on their graduation project to solve the same problem.

Around the focus groups, attendees enjoyed networking, chatting and discussing how they can possibly work together to advance their projects.

Egypreneur Crew received very positive feedback on the gathering and wishes for more, attendees was promised of a lot more gatherings in the coming period as the community team starts its public activities.

After this gathering, Egypreneur community team will be organizing and/or participating in at least one activity per week in every city around Egypt, where the signup form will be available.

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