WeLessa program is inspired by Egypreneur’s highly successful online and offline Campaign which goes by the same name. WeLessa is about the motivational and inspirational stories of the people who never give up, sharing such stories is very important to keep us going no matter what are the challenges we face in our lives. You […]
The Successful Failure
The Successful failure changes the way we think about failure and how we can make success out of our failures and learn from them instead of crying over them
Live and invent
This program focuses on inventors and fostering their talents by interviewing them and highlighting their inventions while discussing their dreams and aspirations.
Culture and Entrepreneurship
This program will go through entrepreneurial historical poetry and novels to motivate inspire and entertain Egypreneur FM audience.
3antarpreneur is the talk show for entrepreneurs discussing their needs, motives, problems, dreams and answers their questions about how to start and grow their business by our high caliber guests who have deep knowledge and experience in setting up new ventures. will also discuss the social life of entrepreneurs and the effect of politics and […]
You are the star
You are the star program gives the chance to entrepreneurs, young leaders and change makers to host their own 30 mins program on Egypreneur FM. Anyone who’s interested in applying for “you are the star” http://podcast.wp.egypreneur.com/apply and we’ll organize a competition between applicants and an entrepreneur or change maker or young leader will be chosen […]