[blox id='organizations' row_pattern='' row_color='' bgcolor='' img='' dark='true' height='380' padding_top='' padding_bottom='' bg_attachment='false' bg_position='center center' bgcover='true' repeat='no-repeat' class=' ']
[maxtitle type=”1″]Membership for Non-profit & Development Institutions[/maxtitle][max-p]Egypreneur membership offers non-profit and development institutions access the network of Egyptian entrepreneurs, find the right candidates for your programs and scale your impact through entrepreneurship.[/max-p]
[iconbox type=”2″ icon_title=”Access Data” icon_name=”icomoon-briefcase-3″ icon_color=”#00aeff”]Stay on top of the game, scale innovative startups, engage with your community and inspire your employees to innovate.[/iconbox]
[iconbox type=”2″ icon_title=”Support the Movement” icon_name=”icomoon-atom-2″ icon_color=”#00aeff”]Activate the entrepreneurial demon on campus, commercialize innovations and connect your students with industry![/iconbox]
[iconbox type=”2″ icon_title=”Offer Programs” icon_name=”icomoon-heart-5″ icon_color=”#00aeff”]Access the network of Egyptian entrepreneurs, find the right candidates for your programs and scale your impact through entrepreneurship.[/iconbox]
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