[maxtitle type=”5″]On-Demand Services[/maxtitle]
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Understanding the challenges and needs entrepreneurs go through in the past 6 years equibbed us with the ability to design services that would help them with all challenges faced

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[iconbox icon_title=”Build your online presence” icon_link_text=”Learn more” icon_link_url=”#buildyouronlinepresence” icon_name=”fa-wordpress”]We help you build a powerful online presence for your business[/iconbox]
[iconbox icon_title=”Reach your market” icon_link_text=”Learn more” icon_link_url=”#reachyourmarket” icon_name=”fa-bullhorn”]We help you reach the right audience with campaigns and promotion services[/iconbox]
[iconbox icon_title=”Increase your sales” icon_link_text=”Learn more” icon_link_url=”#increaseyoursales” icon_name=”fa-line-chart”]We help generate more leads and accelerate your sales cycle[/iconbox]
[iconbox icon_title=”Focus on your business” icon_link_text=”Learn more” icon_link_url=”#focusonyourbusiness” icon_name=”fa-fax”]We help you focus on your business by offering a number of varied administrative tasks[/iconbox]
[iconbox icon_title=”Secure your legal affairs” icon_link_text=”Learn more” icon_link_url=”#secureyourlegalaffairs” icon_name=”fa-legal”]We help you secure your legal affairs through top-notice legal advice [/iconbox]
[iconbox icon_title=”Take control over your money” icon_link_text=”Learn more” icon_link_url=”#takecontroloveryourmoney” icon_name=”fa-dashboard”]We help you take control over your finances through cashflow and payroll management [/iconbox]
[iconbox icon_title=”Attract and retain top talent” icon_link_text=”Learn more” icon_link_url=”attractandretaintoptalent” icon_name=”fa-trophy”]We help you find the best candidates for your openings and manage recruitment campaigns[/iconbox]
[iconbox icon_title=”Stay on top of industry trends” icon_link_text=”Learn more” icon_link_url=”#stayontopofindustrytrends” icon_name=”fa-area-chart”]We provide you with up-to-date knowledge and news in your industry and areas of interest[/iconbox]
[iconbox icon_title=”Fund your business” icon_link_text=”Learn more” icon_link_url=”#fundyourbusiness” icon_name=”li_banknote”]We assist you in raising capital for your business at various stages of development[/iconbox]
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[maxtitle type=”5″]Build your online presence[/maxtitle][distance][p]

We help you build a powerful online presence for your business

[iconbox type=”2″ icon_title=”Domain Registration” icon_name=”li_world”]We advice your to register best domain for your business[/iconbox]
[iconbox type=”2″ icon_title=”Corporate Email” icon_name=”fa-envelope-o”]we help you setup your corporate email [/iconbox]
[iconbox type=”2″ icon_title=”Website Creation” icon_name=”fa-trello”]We are glad to help you with the next multi-functional, drop-dead-dashing website.[/iconbox]
[iconbox type=”2″ icon_title=”Short URL” icon_name=”fa-chain”]We offering URL shortening and link tracking service[/iconbox]
[iconbox type=”2″ icon_title=”Cloud Hosting” icon_name=”li_cloud”]We offer secure cloud hosting packages for startups and SMEs[/iconbox]
[iconbox icon_title=”Mobile App Development” icon_name=”fa-mobile-phone”]We help you design, build and launch a world-class mobile app for your business[/iconbox]
[button url=”../build-your-online-presence” target=”_blank” color=”gray” size=”medium” border=”true” icon=”icomoon-medal-2″]Tell me more [/button]
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[blox id=’reachyourmarket’ row_pattern=” row_color=” bgcolor=” img=” dark=’false’ height=” padding_top=” padding_bottom=” bg_attachment=’false’ bg_position=’center center’ bgcover=’true’ repeat=’no-repeat’ class=’ ‘]
[maxtitle type=”5″]Reach your market[/maxtitle]

[p class=”max-p”]We help you reach the right audiences with maximum impcat with campaigns and promotion services[/p]

[distance type=”2″]
[iconbox type=”2″ icon_title=”Branding Campaigns” icon_color=”#00aeff” icon_name=”li_diamond”]We design and launch branding campaigns to secure your strategic position[/iconbox]
[iconbox type=”2″ icon_title=”Event Design” icon_color=”#00aeff” icon_name=”fa-calendar”]We design and execute your events from concept to feedback[/iconbox]
[iconbox type=”2″ icon_title=”Media & PR” icon_color=”#00aeff” icon_name=”li_news”]We help you get the word out there about your business[/iconbox]
[iconbox type=”2″ icon_title=”Mailing-list Management” icon_color=”#00aeff” icon_name=”fa-envelope”]We manage your external email marketing, newsletters and mailing lists[/iconbox]
[iconbox type=”2″ icon_title=”Loyalty Programs” icon_color=”#00aeff” icon_name=”fa-heart”]We design and execute loyalty programs with offers and discounts[/iconbox]
[iconbox type=”2″ icon_title=”Product Listing” icon_color=”#00aeff” icon_name=”fa-plus-circle”]We list your products and services in local classifieds[/iconbox]
[button url=”../reach-your-market” target=”_blank” color=”gray” size=”medium” border=”true” icon=”icomoon-medal-2″]Tell me more about it[/button]
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[maxtitle type=”5″]Increase your sales[/maxtitle]

[p class=”max-p”]We help you generate more leads, increase conversion rates and accelerate your sales cycle[/p]

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[iconbox type=”2″ icon_title=”Sales Funnel Optimization” icon_name=”fa-filter”]We help you optimize your sales funnel and build statistical base for it[/iconbox]
[iconbox type=”2″ icon_title=”Affiliate Network” icon_name=”li_like”]We offer access to an affiliate sales network to boost sales[/iconbox]
[iconbox type=”2″ icon_title=”Offers & Discounts” icon_name=”fa-send-o”]We help you design a special offers and discount programs to increase sales[/iconbox]
[button url=”../increase-your-sales” target=”_blank” color=”gray” size=”medium” border=”true” icon=”icomoon-medal-2″]Tell me more[/button]
[distance type=”2″]
[blox id=’focusonyourbusiness’ row_pattern=” row_color=” bgcolor=” img=” dark=’true’ height=’380′ padding_top=” padding_bottom=” bg_attachment=’false’ bg_position=’center center’ bgcover=’true’ repeat=’no-repeat’ class=’ ‘]
[maxtitle type=”5″]Focus on your business[/maxtitle]

[p class=”max-p”]We help you focus on your business by offering a number of varied administrative tasks[/p][distance type=”1″]

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[iconbox type=”2″ icon_title=”Virtual Secretary” icon_name=”fa-group”]We connect you with a virtual secretary to help with varied remote tasks[/iconbox]
[iconbox type=”2″ icon_title=”Virtual Office” icon_name=”fa-compress”]We help you save headache and operating cost by maintaining your virtual office [/iconbox]
[iconbox type=”2″ icon_title=”Productivity Tools” icon_name=”fa-medkit”]We provide you with a suite of communication and project management to increase your productivity.[/iconbox]
[button url=”../focus-on-your-business” target=”_blank” color=”gray” size=”medium” border=”true” icon=”icomoon-medal-2″]Administrative Services[/button]
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[maxtitle type=”5″]Secure your legal affairs[/maxtitle]

[max-p]We help you secure your legal affairs through top-notice legal advice [/max-p]

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[iconbox type=”2″ icon_title=”Contract Advice” icon_color=”#00aeff” icon_name=”li_search”]Contract Advice[/iconbox]
[iconbox type=”2″ icon_title=”Intellectual Property Protection” icon_color=”#00aeff” icon_name=”fa-chain”]Intellectual Property Registration[/iconbox]
[iconbox type=”2″ icon_title=”Business Registration” icon_color=”#00aeff” icon_name=”li_note”]Local and International Business Registration[/iconbox]
[button url=”../secure-your-legal-affairs” target=”_blank” color=”gray” size=”medium” border=”true” icon=”icomoon-medal-2″]Tell me more[/button]
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[blox id=’takecontroloveryourmoney’ row_pattern=” row_color=” bgcolor=” img=” dark=’true’ height=’380′ padding_top=” padding_bottom=” bg_attachment=’false’ bg_position=’center center’ bgcover=’true’ repeat=’no-repeat’ class=’ ‘]
[maxtitle type=”5″]Take control over your money[/maxtitle]

[p class=”max-p”]We help you take control over your finances through cashflow and payroll management[/p]

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[iconbox type=”2″ icon_title=”Cashflow Management” icon_name=”fa-refresh”]We help you manage and restructure your Cash Flow within your company.[/iconbox]
[iconbox type=”2″ icon_title=”Payroll Solutions” icon_name=”fa-send-o”]Payroll Solutions[/iconbox]
[iconbox type=”2″ icon_title=”Accounting Software” icon_name=”li_display”]Accounting Software[/iconbox]
[button url=”../take-control-over-your-money” target=”_blank” color=”gray” size=”medium” border=”true” icon=”icomoon-medal-2″]Legal & Acct. Services[/button]
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[maxtitle type=”5″]Attract and retain top talent[/maxtitle]

[p class=”max-p”]We help you find the best candidates for your openings and manage recruitment campaigns[/p]

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[iconbox type=”2″ icon_title=”Job Board” icon_color=”#00aeff” icon_name=”fa-paperclip”]Post open vacancies in your company on our job board![/iconbox]
[iconbox type=”2″ icon_title=”Intern Sourcing” icon_color=”#00aeff” icon_name=”fa-user”]We source a pipeline of quality interns to add value to your company![/iconbox]
[iconbox type=”2″ icon_title=”Recruitment Software” icon_color=”#00aeff” icon_name=”fa-desktop”]We provide access to cloud-based solutions to help you with recruitment process[/iconbox]
[button url=”../attract-and-retain-top-talent” target=”_blank” color=”gray” size=”medium” border=”true” icon=”icomoon-medal-2″]Tell me more[/button]
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[blox id=’stayontopofindustrytrends’ row_pattern=” row_color=” bgcolor=” img=” dark=’true’ height=’380′ padding_top=” padding_bottom=” bg_attachment=’false’ bg_position=’center center’ bgcover=’true’ repeat=’no-repeat’ class=’ ‘]
[maxtitle type=”5″]Stay on top of industry trends[/maxtitle]

[p class=”max-p”]We provide you with up-to-date knowledge and news in your industry and areas of interest[/p]

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[iconbox type=”2″ icon_title=”OppAlert Premium” icon_name=”fa-bomb”]Instant notifications on new opportunities within your industry[/iconbox]
[iconbox type=”2″ icon_title=”E-Mail Crash courses” icon_name=”li_mail”]Receive pre-scheduled Crash courses on latest trends within your industry/profession over Email[/iconbox]
[iconbox type=”2″ icon_title=”Publications” icon_name=”li_news”]We publish insights and publications with latest trends within industries/business functions[/iconbox]
[button url=”../stay-on-top-of-industry-trends” target=”_blank” color=”gray” size=”medium” border=”true” icon=”icomoon-medal-2″]Tell me more[/button]
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[maxtitle type=”5″]Fund your business[/maxtitle]

[max-p]We help you raise capital for your business at different stages of development[/max-p]

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[iconbox type=”2″ icon_title=”Pitching” icon_color=”#00aeff” icon_name=”li_sound”]We help you prepare and deliver your pitch from start to finish[/iconbox]
[iconbox type=”2″ icon_title=”Match-making” icon_color=”#00aeff” icon_name=”fa-comments”]We introduce you to the right success partners from across our network[/iconbox]
[iconbox type=”2″ icon_title=”Insights” icon_color=”#00aeff” icon_name=”fa-pie-chart”]We provide updated databases and publications on investment activities in Egypt and beyond[/iconbox]
[button url=”../fund-your-business” target=”_blank” color=”gray” size=”medium” border=”true” icon=”icomoon-medal-2″]Tell me more[/button]
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[testimonial name=”Bey2ollak” img=”7225″ href=”“https://twitter.com/#!/Bey2ollak/status/74775366274777088“”]

Honored to meet Egypreneur team, they are doing a great job in supporting startups & providing them with business opportunities!

[testimonial name=”elmenus.com” img=”7226″ href=”“https://twitter.com/#!/elmenus/status/74552054709891072“”]

Thanks Egypreneur for giving entrepreneurs the chance to promote themselves and gather around interesting discussions at Cairo ICT!
