About Egypreneur

Egypreneur.com was started in May 2008 by Egyptian Entrepreneur, Researcher and AI Engineer, Abdelrahman M. M. Ibrahim (aka; Abdo Magdy: www.abdomagdy.com) as a networking and support brand for Egyptian Entrepreneurs. Multiple operating models has been deployed since then and Egypreneur remains a self-funded Economic Development entity in Egypt with the following pillars:




Shared Economy

Egypreneur Culture


There is this unique breathtaking fragrance and special attraction to everything that stems from original source and created from original inspiration, that’s why we’re embracing originality in everything we do. And by this, we’re passing this quality to all entrepreneur in Egypt as one of the main pillars of a startup-nation-to-be.


Creativity is the driver for innovation and then entrepreneurship, as an entity that seeks to promote innovation and entrepreneurship we’ll embrace creativity in everything we do, it might seem like crazy sometime, but, hey, aren’t we talking about entrepreneurship?


Connecting things together and associating action with meaning, beside being apparent in our logo, we have all our important meetings on the Nile, and we love leaving you thinking about our next move analyzing our flow of thoughts, principles and actions.


There are plenty of things that can be done at any given time, as we evaluate and decide, focus should be placed on achieving specific objectives, conveying specific messages, getting involved with a limited number of projects depending on the resources available


We seek to spread inspiration in the way we think about it and reflect it to people. By the end of the day what Egypreneur can do best is inspiring people to action, that should also be an integrated part of our communication as a team.


In our communications, activities and plans we should keep in mind how to keep this relationship sustainable with the person I’m emailing right now, how to keep the effect created during an event even increasing, how to take care of our data.

[testimonial_slider][testimonial_item name=”Tarek Mostafa” img=”7236″ subtitle=”Egyptian Entrepreneur”]I need to meet you! I’m fed up with being an employee! I want to break up with my employer! So I’m asking for a date![/testimonial_item][testimonial_item name=”Mostafa Ghanem” img=”7238″ subtitle=”Vice President at Nile University”]Egypreneur is doing fantastic effort promoting entrepreneurship in Egypt[/testimonial_item][testimonial_item name=”Mohammad Omara” img=”7237″ subtitle=”Startup Nation Evanglist”]Egypreneur is doing a great job gathering entrepreneurs across the nation![/testimonial_item][/testimonial_slider]
[subtitle type=”3″]We prreviously worked with the following partners[/subtitle]

[ourclients client_images=”7004,7012,7011,7010,7009,7008,7007,7006,7005,8551″]

[line type=”2″][quote name=”Abdelrahman Magdy” name_sub=”Founder & Chairman, Egypreneur” text=”After 6+ years with Egypreneur, it never had been clearer to us that our raison d’etre is empowering Generation-Y in Egypt to establish Cairo as the modern Mecca of Global Trade and Investment. This can never be done without collaboration being our primary strategic choice.”]