I state being optimistic about the future and what it brings at all times. That includes the Egyptian economy that might be going through hard times currently as warnings show that: Egypt might go bankrupt in 6 months. I learned that people conceive that optimism differently and some might consider it lack of understanding, hiding head in the sand or self-manipulation.
I believe that positivity and optimism are more of a way of life other than an attitude we selectively have when things are going well. Being a Muslim, my religious belief teaches that everything happens for the best including failures, difficulties and hard times and that my role as a human being is to heartfully submit to the will of god in all that I don’t have direct control over and then change reality with the power god has given me, which is endless!
While observing tweets about the economic and political situation in Egypt currently, I find it mostly sarcasm and crying over a situation you’re a part of; the story of prophet Joseph occurred to me and found it a brilliant representation to while objectively and realistically facing challenges, staying positive and optimistic at all times other than crying over a situation you’re not objectively working on solving.
The king of Egypt called Prophet Joseph telling him a dream he had – Having the talent to interpret dreams – he didn’t went on describing the fact that Egypt will be going through deadly seven years, but he directly described what should be done about it and how to tackle the situation and get through it with minimum losses.
We’ll be always faced with obstacles, challenges and hard times while realistic realization of the situation and an an objective plan to get through it is obviously a must, I believe the attitude and emotions involved during these times should still be positivity and optimism and that stating being optimistic during these times, is not being an unrealistic dreamer, but maybe a natural optimist and a firm believer.
As an entrepreneur, you’ll have to rely on your internally generated positive energy when the things you need to get done, teams you have to lead, people you have to deal with, disputes you have to go through and challenges you have to face demands more and more energy, positivity and optimism.
What about you, what motivates you to stay positive and optimistic during hard times?
Well said